Who are Frontier People Groups?
This podcast is an audio supplement to a children's prayer guide by Indigitous which aims to inform prayer for 31 of the largest Frontier People Groups. Hard copies of the booklet can be found at: https://crustore.org/product/who-are-frontier-people-groups/ or download at https://idserve.us/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Indigitous-FPG-Booklet-PDF.pdf
Who are Frontier People Groups?
Episode 6 - Mongol (Pg. 11)
Various Artists
Season 1
Episode 6
Find the Mongol on page 11 of the booklet and for more information, view their Prayercast profile.
Quick Facts
- Location: China
- Language: Monolian, Peripheral
- Religion: Buddhism; forces of nature
- Population: 5,655,000
Prayer Items:
- There are an unconfirmed number of Christian Mongols. Pray for these believers to share the gospel with non-believers, and to stand firm in their faith and trust in God.
- Pray for God to help the Mongolians through harsh winters. Pray that Mongolians can experience spiritual warmth from God’s love and grace.
- Many Mongols worship forces of nature (such as the moon, stars, sun, and rivers). Pray that God can reveal Himself to the Mongols as the one true God.
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.