Who are Frontier People Groups?

Episode 10 - Brahmin (Pg.15)

Various Artists Season 1 Episode 10

Find the Brahmin on page 15 of the booklet and for more information, view their Prayercast profile.

Quick Facts:

  • Location: India
  • Language: Hindi
  • Religion: Hinduism
  • Population: 59,134,000

Prayer Items:

  • Brahmins are seen as knowledgeable and enlightened; pray for the light of the gospel to bring the knowledge of Christ to them in India.
  • Pray for wisdom for disciples of Jesus who befriend and share their faith with Brahmins.
  • Pray that the true God will reveal Himself to this community and use brahmins to preach and teach about Jesus Christ.

And the King will answer them, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”
— MATTHEW 25:40