Who are Frontier People Groups?
This podcast is an audio supplement to a children's prayer guide by Indigitous which aims to inform prayer for 31 of the largest Frontier People Groups. Hard copies of the booklet can be found at: https://crustore.org/product/who-are-frontier-people-groups/ or download at https://idserve.us/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Indigitous-FPG-Booklet-PDF.pdf
Who are Frontier People Groups?
Episode 23 - Rakhine (Pg. 28)
Various Artists
Season 1
Episode 23
Find the Rahkine on page 28 of the booklet and for more information, view their Prayercast profile.
Quick Facts:
- Location: Myanmar (Burma)
- Language: Rakhine, Burmese
- Religion: Buddhism
- Population: 2,718,000
Prayer Items:
- Pray that the Rakhine people will be able to adequately use the Burmese Bible for written literature.
- Pray that evangelistic materials in the Rakhine language will be produced.
- Pray for a spiritual hunger in the Rakhine community that will lead them to Christ.
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! — 1 CHRONICLES 16:24