Who are Frontier People Groups?
This podcast is an audio supplement to a children's prayer guide by Indigitous which aims to inform prayer for 31 of the largest Frontier People Groups. Hard copies of the booklet can be found at: https://crustore.org/product/who-are-frontier-people-groups/ or download at https://idserve.us/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Indigitous-FPG-Booklet-PDF.pdf
Who are Frontier People Groups?
Episode 31 - Chechen in Chechnya (Pg. 36)
Various Artists
Season 1
Episode 31
Find the Chechen on page 36 of the booklet and for more information, view their Prayercast profile.
Quick Facts:
- Location: Russia
- Language: Chechen
- Religion: Islam
- Population: 1,454,000
Prayer Items:
- Pray for the endurance and protection of the few known Chechen believers.
- Pray for political stability in the area where the Chechens and Ingush live.
- Ask the Lord to tear down barriers to the gospel so that Christian workers who live and work among the Chechens will see fruit.
Through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.